Shooting Star

Celebrity Hunt Game

As part of a blend of reality show, the great race, scavenger hunt and celebrity status pursuit, a new Hollywood-themed gameshow has been developed – Shooting Star.  Celebrities accustomed to hiding from the paparazzi are now involved in the pursuit by a game show participant stalker who has been promised a contract for celebritydom that would allow the stalker to take the place of the “hunted” celebrity.  As opposed to hunting celebrities with cameras, or real weapons, the stalker contestants pursue the celebrities with laser tag guns.  The thrill of stealing that celebrity’s limelight and the rush of adrenaline of being an assassin are the audience hooks for the new show. 

The opening season of the series will feature some of the biggest names in pursued celebrities by the paparazzi, such as Brad Pitt, Jennifer Lopez, George Clooney, Julia Roberts and Paris Hilton.  Test screenings using the Kardashians, however, indicated that no one really wanted their celebrity status as it was not elusive or exclusive based on follower count.  


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