Bitch Victim Syndrome
New Disease - Old Habits
As diseases always need a label, a new phenomenon syndrome Bitch Victim Syndrome (BVS) has reached the mental health of the general public, similar to fibromyalgia, PTSD, manic depression and borderline personality disorder. It has been noted as wider spread among the female population than expected, but the victim aspect has been widely noted among male politicians who are avoiding any responsibility. This variation is more of a Victim Retribution Syndrome (VRS) prevalent among boys belittled by their fathers who eventually turn into bullies.
BVS is notable that it is an alternating condition as it starts with female aggression against things like leaving the toilet seat up, the power that comes from projecting anger and how that achieves the success desired from power of vitriol. And when the desired control over the other does not work through aggression, then the BVS syndrome reverses from aggression to a submissive victimization of the power that comes from playing the victim. It may be counter intuitive that a victim can have power, but that is where the syndrome is so powerful as first an attack and then the reverse into controlling the other person to feel for them as a victim. VRS is just straight playing the victim and then launching into retribution when the other party is weakened.