Oligopoly by Parker Bros.
In dis-honor of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Parker Bros. has released a commemorative issue of their most successful board game Monopoly about the rich and their real estate. The new game titled Oligarchy has transformed the original real estate landings into the former Soviet republics and other desirable Russian investment locations such as Miami Beach. However, Baltic Avenue has remained as a legacy from the original game.
Utilities and transportation locations on the board remain but have been transformed to private military airports, conflict diamond mines and fusion/nuclear power stations. The game pieces have been replaced with private jets, yachts, villas, leggy super models and Novichok pills. As a twist on the typical game banker responsibilities, one is allowed to be paid in rubles, euros or bitcoin, and legitimate real estate acquisition is replaced with money laundering. Off-shore banking in secret hiding places by the players is encouraged as well
“Passing Go” means one more day of a player not falling out of window or suffering a mysterious disease.
Post-2024 US election, Parker Bros. is working up a new USA version including fraudulent loans, over-appreciation of assets, bribing building permit officials, discriminating against tenants and illegal dumping of construction materials. Electric cars, hyperloops, massive oil drilling and deforestation will all be features of this version. Going to jail at all will be removed from the US version.