Orange Koolaid Kult

Orange is the New Black Death

Based on a study by a national grocery commerce group, a concern has risen about a pending shortage of Kool-Aid with a focus only on orange Kool-Aid.  This phenomenon has also been noted by cult monitoring groups and suicide prevention groups.  The concern has singled out a single source for this buying activity – the MAGA movement.  Some national consumer protection groups are reviewing the installation of restrictions on the sales while other political groups are encouraging it along with the sale of other known poisons available over the counter. 

Uniform rental stores have noticed a corresponding uptick in orders for orange jumpsuit uniforms.  One theory suggests that MAGA supporters will form a stormtrooper corp of orange-shirts offering orange Kool-Aid as the forefront of future nationally-mandated dress code. Another theory is that the mortuary industry is behind all this uniform sourcing as funeral suits in a wide-ranging marketing promotional program for any pending cult-wide suicide ala Jonestown.

Certain organizations in the Netherlands including Dutch sports fans are concerned about being tainted by this orange coloring trend in beverages and apparel.


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