Make Presidential Libraries Again

Book Retribution

The not yet proposed Presidential Library for President Trump will be designed to reflect the divided country he helped make great again.  The process will involve two different architects designing the library without any coordination between the two architectural firms.  Hints about the nature of the design include two separate library wings, one devoted only to copies of The Art of the Deal that are signed and printed in China, and one devoted to all the banned books of members of the 2016 Trump administration who wrote tell-all books about their time in the White House during his presidency.  The two library wings will be connected by rotunda housing a gold-plated panel with the engraved words “Art of the Steal” and a long corridor of mirrors called the Hall of Hypocrisy where the prior condemnations of The Donald by politicians and businesspersons will be matched by current ingratiating praise for him.

In a mediation garden behind the library, there will be a fire pit for burning books and echo grotto for telling lies.  Other interactive exhibits will be swamp draining without environmental permits, bronzer application to statue busts with paint brushes and recording stations for the spontaneous creation of weird sayings. As part of an interactive exhibit focusing on young adults, there is an area where they can build a wall with banker boxes marked Top Secret. 

The final exhibit includes a live interactive hologram of Trump spouting his “truths” coupled with an artificial intelligence fact checker that is linked to disinformation data banks.  In a twist in precedent and preference, the library will be located in Saint Petersburg, Florida, not Saint Petersburg, Russia, as graciously offered by Vladimir Putin.    


Untrump University


Orange Koolaid Kult