Ten is too Much Regulation

DOGE does Moses

Republican Senators and Representatives have decided to apply the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) initiative to religion in the USA and in this case in specific, the Ten Commandments.  In the spirit of reducing the burden of too many regulations, they have introduced a bill to reduce the number of the Commandments.  On the target list, in the order of priority, for elimination of waste and over-regulation are:

9.          You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.  This one really has to go and the neighbor aspect is not a reason to keep it.

 8.         You shall not steal.  Not a chance of this one surviving, ask any subcontractor on a Trump project.

10.        You shall not covet.   Why covet when you just pal around with Elon Musk.

7.          You shall not commit adultery.  (Not a chance of this one surviving, but it certainly helped with Melanie Trump’s pre-nup.

To make the other remaining commandments more clear and efficient, the following adjustments are included in the bill to modify the remaining commandments and potentially any issues with challenging God directly:

 1.         You shall have no other gods before Me except Mammon is acceptable.

2.          You shall make no idols but anything with Donald Trump’s image on it is acceptable, including the Trumpy Trout, which has been reserved for special adoration and is not considered a graven image.

3.          You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, but it is acceptable when you are praising Donald Trump and his lack of vanity.

4.          Keep the Sabbath day holy by playing golf.

5.          Honor your father and your mother. (this one only applies to Donald Trump offspring and not to Ivana Trump or her burial site)

6.          You shall not murder, except murdering your rivals is forgivable. (time will tell on this one)

Most of the Christian Nationalist groups thinks that changing the Ten Commandments is the mandated privilege of their new Jesus.  Only certain Christian groups have been alarmed and have cited the following passages of the Bible as warning signs of a possible great deception by the Evil One: 

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, Daniel 7:25, Revelation 13:5-7, 2 Timothy 3:1-5 and Matthew 24:24.

PostScript:  Remember that DOGE spelled backwards is eGOD.


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