About Facetime for Fox News
Reversal of Foxtune
Fox News is faced with a dilemma for the next four years in either supporting a third term for Donald Trump in a complete break with the US Constitution or finding a new champion to develop a completely new false presidential savior narrative about. Timing is critical as ‘the Donald’ can sense when the wind is blowing in the wrong direction for him. The general thinking is there will be two years of a honeymoon and then an abrupt divorce, which Trump should be able to see coming. Pitting Fox against Trump and the reverse promises to be a fascinating cage fight in the best version of professional wrestling kabuki theater, attracting a new wealth of viewers on both sides the battle - a win-win for media revenue. Numerous audience test screenings will have to be conducted to see what will keep the Fox News viewers enthralled and consequently the Fox News host salaries paid. No matter the choice, Fox News win the battle for untruth – keeping Trump alive for eternity after his death (think Lenin is his glass mausoleum) or dumping Trump by coming up with a fitting salacious story about Trump (maybe not being able to perform with an adult film star.)
Fox News will have three possible choices for moving on from MAGA:
1. Coming up with some story that even Trump’s most dedicated supporters may find unforgivable such as the revelation that he had sex with Ivanka (remember he did compliment her body figure and that he felt their main shared interest was sex).
2. Allowing for a gentle brainwashing psyops by Fox news that convinces the public that Trump was not really elected president in 2024, and that JD Vance was really the president all along.
3. Offering Trump to host his own reality show during prime time where Fox News viewers can watch him judge teenage beauty contests, watch him play golf twenty-four hours a day every day and watch him offer his own personal line of beauty / erectile defection products on his own version of a home shopping network based on all the products he promoted during the 2024 election.
To counter any lack of loyalty by Fox News, Trump really only has one choice and that is to make Fox News officially the Ministry of Trump Immortality with full control over truth as we know it.