25th is the Charm

Ad-Vance Behind the Scenes

Insiders within the new forming government are seeing some maneuvering from JD Vance that would be considered abnormal for a Vice President whose role is typically a background position, and his low profile could be considered a sign of things to come. Information leaks indicate his personal staff has been collecting all the Democrat research on Donald J Trump’s mental decline during the 2024 election process. 

Explanations for this interest, at face value and in Republican-double speak about sane-washing the past, has been Vance’s interest in removing the mental decline criticism from media sites,  destroying all internet links, removing professional licenses from critical mental health specialists and having Fox news broadcast non-stop video clips of Joe Biden’s lapses and gaffes.

More deeper state insiders, who wish to remain anonymous, are hinting at a different path for  JD Vance’s action in pulling together all this data - for building up the case for applying the incapacitation clause of the 25th Amendment of the US Constitution on Trump.  All the examples and discourse over Trump’s mental health will be compiled into an internal report, supposedly consisting of 10,000 pages of documentation and 2000 hours of video, plus all the real medical doctor examination reports about Trump’s mental health.

Why run for President when the Democrats has served up all the evidence to remove Trump. The inside story line is whether Trump will actually see a real conspiracy, saying “you are fired” and whether this will occur before Vance says “the Democrats were right, you are one card short of full deck of Trump trading cards.”


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