Fat Ink

Butt Boobs

According to Tattoo World, a new trend in tattoos has been rippling through the tattoo parlors, in the working on the buttocks of women with an array of designs. One particular design is leading the charge – the human nipple on each buttock.  Buck Tusche, operator of the Tattoo Taboo, said, “It was at first a surprise, but after a few inks, it seemed so obvious that butts need the same attention we give to boobs . Similar anatomy and why not? Both are lobes on the body and butt deserves the attention, especially based on the current trend in bikini bottoms.” Dink Tusche, editor of Tattoo World, reinforced the popular nature of the trend. “It has been particularly popular with girls who wear thong panties or bikinis.  ‘Free the nipple’ is now a reality for the backside of a woman. Not too many men opting for this particular tattoo.” 

Dr. Brust, a plastic surgeon specializing in buttock implants, has stated,  “The breast and buttock have always been a focus for bodily adornment and enlargement in particular.  It was a natural extension of other implants, making the body area bigger, lifting things up and drawing attention.”


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